Risk-free heating and cooling
The world population is expected to reach nine billion people by 2050. Due to this exponential growth, the demand for food will also increase. On the other hand resources are becoming increasingly scarce.
Governments and food companies therefore focus more on the risks that these developments entail. They are looking for alternative suppliers, products and producers.
Accurate heat transfer calculations to limit risks
With this enormous growth, many risks are involved. Where a great deal of money can be earned, there will also be a lot of shortcuts taken. This has already caused many scandals in the milk, meat and fish industry. The trend is that consumers are becoming increasingly powerful. Due to social media, a scandal can spread globally in a short amount of time. Therefore traceability in the food industry is getting more and more important. At many large companies this is done by integrating the processes.
No matter how small our part in your chain is, we know how important it is to heat or cool your products according to the right regulations and standards. That is why our heat transfer calculations are always performed accurately and are double checked.
Experienced engineers who think along with you
Our experienced engineers have already developed many solutions for the most diverse food industries. Whether it concerns coating milk tanks with our Laser Plates, cooling chocolate during the production process, Ice Machines for the seafood industry or cooling systems for the meat processing industry.
Certificates and tests
Omega Thermo Products has been working for all the major names in the food industry for over 30 years. Our quality department ensures that you receive all the correct certificates and that all tests are carried out correctly.
Wherever you need reliable, efficient cooling or heating of your product, our heat exchangers offer a solution. View our examples:
Pillow Plates on milk tanks
Ice Bank to plunge eggs in cold water
Ice Machines for the seafood industry
Pillow Plates as cooling plates in the chocolate industry
Pillow Plates on wine coolers
Pillow Plates on beer tanks
Falling Film Chillers in the Milk Industry
Falling Film Chillers for Meat Industry
Chillers for chicken slaughterhouses
Contact us to learn about different product variations, materials & heat transfer mediums!